Room to grow.
For our youngest students, the Sprouts class offers an opportunity for your child to develop in an atmosphere of creativity and learning by playing. Even though they are only 4-years old, we believe it is never too early to develop a passion for fun and learning!
Our Sprouts class is all about having fun and developing social skills. Learning how to thrive in an environment away from parents can be hard. The teachers for Sprouts class go out of their way to make sure that the class feels as welcoming and fun as possible to help your little ones get used to being away from home.
Learning by Playing
At this age, we focus very heavily on learning through song, dance, art, and other creative outlets. If we can get them to learn some letters along the way, that’s a bonus. We want our little Sprouts friends to grow. To do that, we let them play and we let them get used to being around other little kids their age. We teach them routines like how to wash their hands before snack time, or how to clean up their toys when they’re done. All of these are things they will need as they grow, but they can still have fun along the way!